Welcome to Connecticut APA!
PO Box 1290 / Enfield, CT 06083
Office Hours - Monday - Thursday 9am to 5pm
Friday 9am to 2pm
Our Fall Session starts on September 3, 2024
Destination & Ladies Divisions start in July
We can start new Destination or Ladies divisions with 5 teams in any area if there is enough interest.
If you know of any new bars or locations that would like to host APA teams; please let us know in the office and we will reach out to help them get started in forming a team.
If you would like to register a team or have any questions you can call the office at 413-536-3838 OR you can send an email to scoresheets@ctapa.com
Please visit our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/APAofCT) and join our Facebook group (www.facebook.com/groups/CTAPA) to keep up with all of the latest information on the league!
Why We Need Your Contact Information
PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR INFORMATION IS UP-TO-DATE. You can update it in your player profile, fill out a membership application, or call our office at 888-APA-POOL.
We offer 8-Ball, 9- Ball, Double Jeopardy (8-ball & 9-ball played in 1 night), Masters, Ladies, Doubles, Juniors Academy, Aloha and much more!
Hartford, Middlesex, New London, Tolland, Windham
8-Ball Doubles, 8-Ball Doubles Alt, 8-Ball Ladies Alt, 8-Ball Open, 9-Ball Open, Masters